Why Do Parents need Counselling?

Why Do Parents need Counselling?

Issues Faced by Parents of Children with Disabilities

Powerlessness. A feeling of being overwhelmed by the circumstances and feeling of powerlessness to affect the outcomes.

Emotional Imbalance. Different people react differently in challenging circumstances and it may seem like one parent lacks emotional involvement thus creating an imbalance in family dynamics.

Imbalances in Caretaking. One parent may feel overburdened with taking care of the child.

Relationship Challenges: A previously happy relationship may get starined due to the extra work and strees involved in bringing up a child with special needs.

Stress. Additional committments may leave you feeling stretched to the limit of endurance. You may not have time to take care of yourself or do the things you once enjoyed doing?

Anger/Depression. Extreme anger, irritability and a state of depression.

Sibling Issues. Do siblings act out in ways to gain attention? Are siblings confused as to how to feel or behave?

Counseling Can Help You in Many Ways-

Parents of children with disabilities need help coping, strengthening their relationship, and learning how to take better care of themselves. Counseling can help you—

Build a sense of Adequacy-There are some things you cannot control, but there are many things you can.

Balance Caretaking. You must learn to respect each other's style of caretaking and to communicate and negotiate caretaking roles, so that instead of simply reacting to situations, you can proactively address challenging problems.

Achieve Emotional Balance . Different people process emotions differently. One person may grieve openly. Another may feel so overwhelmed that they find some activity to distract themselves. These differences are part of being human and each is valid for that person.

Process Feelings. In order to be there for your children, your relationship and yourself, you must move through and process what you are feeling.

Take Care of Yourself. To be there fully for your child with special needs, your typical children, and your significant other, you must learn to take care of yourself, both emotionally and physically.

Build a Healthy Relationship. You must also learn to take care of your relationship. If you thrive and your relationship thrives, your child with special needs will thrive to the best of his or her potential, and the whole family will thrive.

Benefits of Counseling

Counseling has the potential to improve your life, relationship and family in these ways—

Relationship grows stronger

Function better both emotionally and physically

Better care for your child with special needs

Better family life for your neurotypical children

Problems You May Be Experiencing

Our therapists are trained to help people with a wide range of problems including—

Relationship problems

Marriage counseling




Sexual issues



Any of the issues listed to the rightAny other issue that affects your emotions, thoughts, or relationships

Counseling Approach

Your therpist will tailor an approach that is personalized to your situation and needs—

Talk About the Problem. Your therpist will listen and ask questions to help you identify and clarify the problem.

Strengths. Your therapist will help you identify strengths that you can employ to solve your problems.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Your therapist will lead you to challenge your old thought patterns and so change your feelings and behaviors.

Assignments. Your therapist will give you assignments that will help you develop new skills and new patterns of thoughts and behaviors.

Solutions. Your therapist is focused on finding solutions in the here-and-now that will make your life better.

Benefits of Counseling

Counseling can have these benefits—

Resolution of the problem that brought you to therapy

More calmness, less stress, more energy

Improved relationships with coworkers, friends, family and significant other

Insight and skills to have a happier, more productive life