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For Students

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For Parents

For Parents

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For Professionals

For Professionals

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For Schools

For Schools

Customized special education solutions!

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Online Consultation

- Does your child take a long time doing homework?

- Is easily distracted

-has difficulty in reading and writing

-is not meeting the developmental milestones

- needs help, but there are no facilities available for consultation 

- You get constant complaints from school

Online Counseling

- Are you feeling overwhelmed and depressed with everyday demands?

- You feel unable to cope and feel irritated with everyone

- Your sleep patterns are disturbed and you feel tired all the time

- You feel apprehensive and anxious about the future and can not stop worrying

- You feel that you need help, but there are no facilities available 

- Do not ignore such symptoms, seek help and take care of your mental health. A mentally healthy parent can help their child cope better and improve outcomes

Basic Package

- You have been advised to arrange therapy sessions for your child but can not find any therapists nearby

- You found a center but find it difficult to commute due to distance and lack of time

- There is no time after school for your child to attend sessions 

- Your child feels uncomfortable with change in schedule and does not co-operate

- Your teenager is not going to school and you are looking for ways to keep him/her constructively engaged at home